Obtaining a Construction License in Kyiv and the Region

Obtaining a Construction License in Kyiv and the Region

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Obtaining a Construction License in Kyiv and the Region

Licensing of construction activities is an essential component of the construction industry since it is aimed at ensuring the quality and safety of construction work. This process involves obtaining special permits and licenses that authorize firms to conduct construction work on legal grounds. Licensing also aims to control whether construction companies comply with standards, norms, and rules in the construction industry to ensure consumer safety and the sustainable development of the construction sector.

Types of Construction Licenses

Construction licenses can come in various types, typically determined by the type of construction work and the nature of the activity. The main types of construction licenses include:

  • Construction license;
  • Design license;
  • Construction expertise license;
  • Construction supervision license;
  • Installation and maintenance of engineering systems license;
  • Construction materials production license;
  • Construction and renovation activities license.

Types of Construction Licenses by Complexity Categories

Construction licenses can be classified into complexity categories or the level of importance of construction projects. Typically, such classification may include the following types of construction licenses:

  • First-category license (CC1). Permission to build highly important objects that may have significant public significance, including hospitals, schools, airports, bridges, and more.
  • Second-category license (CC2). Permission to build medium-weight objects, such as apartment buildings, shopping centers, hotels, and more.
  • Third-category license (CC3). Permission to build less important objects, such as private houses, garages, restaurants, and more.

Documents Required for Commencing Construction Activities

To open a construction company, you need to prepare the following documents:

  • Construction license. This is a key document that allows you to carry out construction activities. To obtain a construction license, documentation confirming your professional competence and experience is required.
  • Company registration in accordance with Ukrainian legislation.
  • Business license or permission to engage in entrepreneurial activity in the construction industry.
  • Tax identification number for taxation in accordance with tax legislation requirements.
  • Rental or ownership agreements for premises.
  • Insurance policies to cover potential risks in the construction sector, such as accidents or property damage.
  • Permissions for land plots if the activity involves land work.
  • Permissions for the export of construction materials if there are plans to export construction materials beyond the country’s borders.
  • Documents related to demolition or reconstruction permits for existing buildings.

During the period of hostilities in Ukraine, construction licenses are not obtained but declared. The declaration is submitted to the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine in electronic form (through the Diia application) or in writing, through the Central Office for Administrative Services (ЦНАП).

After submitting the application, you can immediately start your activities. To avoid any issues with declaration, it’s important to correctly fill out the documents and accurately specify the type of economic activity. Specialists from Dextralaw are ready to assist in obtaining a construction license through declaration. They are prepared to provide professional support and consultations, prepare the declaration, and complete all stages of the procedure, allowing you to safely and legally carry out construction work during times of hostilities.

Reissuing a Construction License

Reissuing (renewal) of a construction license is the procedure for updating or changing an existing license to extend the right to perform construction work. The required documents include:

  • Application for the reissuing of the license.
  • Documents (copies, certified by the licensee) confirming the grounds for reissuing the license.
  • Original license with attachments.
  • Power of attorney for the legal representative.

If you need assistance and consultations from experienced legal specialists, don’t hesitate to contact Dextralaw. Our specialists have all the relevant information regarding construction licenses, so they can quickly help you resolve all your questions.

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